Saturday, January 5, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3 vs Iphone 5

English: Samsung Logo Suomi: Samsungin logo
English: Samsung Logo Suomi: Samsungin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Original iPhone 8GB, iPhone 3GS 16GB ...
English: Original iPhone 8GB, iPhone 3GS 16GB and iPhone 4 32GB. Français : iPhone Original 8Go, iPhone 3GS 16Go et iPhone 4 32Go. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
iphone 5

Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 vs Iphone 5
   Which one you think is better ?
من باعتقادك هو الجهاز الافضل ؟ 

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  1. iPhone 5.. my friend's iphone got wet and it still worked.

  2. working while its wet ?? is this for real ?

  3. Samsung Galaxy 3 the first one.
    so, the second will be ..... Galaaaaaaaaaaaxy 3 , also.
